The Current Reality is Economicist

Interview for Adusp magazine [1998]



Paulo Eduardo Arantes


In an interview for Adusp (USP Faculty Association) in 1998, Paulo Arantes considers the possibility of Fernando Henrique Cardoso—whom he refers to as Professor Cardoso—remaining in power for another four years as catastrophic. However, he believes Cardoso will be re-elected because of the left’s disunity and the efficient implementation of a social blackmail process that threatens the population with the return of inflation. According to the philosopher, there no longer seems to be any difference between the left and right because the economy has become something autonomous from society. He also criticizes the Workers’ Party (PT) and says that its only interest is to win elections and elect deputies. Regarding the university, Arantes criticizes groups that appropriate the USP “stamp” to sell courses and services. “This is a poor country, we should offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses. We do not have the political task of training great diplomats”, says Arantes.

Interview by Marcos Cripa and Adilson Citelli for Adusp magazine, April 1998.

Keywords: FHC, PT, USP, left, right, intellectuals, universities, single thought, minimal state, globalization, cynical reason, Marxism.





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