Presentation of the Sentimento da Dialética Collection

The new time of the world demands that intellectuals assume responsibility for using the force of ideas to understand and transform the world. Philosophers Otília Beatriz Fiori Arantes and Paulo Eduardo Arantes have engaged in criticism as active public intellectuals for more than 50 years, moving between different areas of the humanities and cultural studies, with different audiences, in different places. Reaffirming a sense of collective intellectual production, the Sentimento da Dialética Collection is a space of encounter with the works of Otília and Paulo Arantes, made available in free e-books, videos and other documents. Over time, these works have found an increasingly broad and plural audience, made up of Brazilian students, new intellectuals, and activists. And they have contributed to the contemporary movement against the commodification of knowledge, in favour of the commons, in favour of another world.

The Sentimento da Dialética Collection is Copyleft and has an international Creative Commons license for free reproduction, citing the author.

The collection will be continuously expanded to include the complete works of Otília and Paulo Arantes. The publications will be mostly in Portuguese, but with future translations foreseen.

The collection is organized into seven categories and three sub-collections, with different document types and file formats:

Categories: Philosophy (burgundy); Policy (red); Aesthetics (orange); Architecture and Cities (blue); Plastic Arts (pink); Culture Critique (yellow)  and Trajectories (turquoise). Each category adopts a specific color applied to the e-book cover. In addition to the main category, some of the publications are classified in other related categories.


E-books: essays, interviews and unpublished works (in PDF format for printing, PDF for screen viewing, digital book-EPUB and Kindle-Mobi), presented with brief reviews on the website.

Media: videos and audios of lectures, talks and debates, with brief reviews of the website and linked to the original channels that publicized it.

Other documents: interviews, articles and articles in newspapers and magazines, reviews and historical documents (in PDF formats)

In addition to the search for categories and sub-collections, you can perform an open search for words on the website, scanning the metadata of each e-book or document (title, abstract and keywords).

All books in the collection have a digital ISBN and a Digital Object Identifier-DOI, in addition to a new catalogue entry, standardizing and facilitating their indexing by any library that is interested in including e-books in its collection, as long as their public and free access is maintained.

In each e-book, place and date of original publication or unpublished material are indicated. By choice of authors, digital books can present the essays in new arrangements or separately, preserving their original content. Most e-books will feature a brief contextualization introduction by the authors or guests. The collection will also feature new material.

The Sentimento da Dialética Collection uses open software, the Open Monograph Press-OMP of the Public Knowledge Project-PKP, an initiative by five universities in North America aimed at expanding the movement for Open Science. USP and Unicamp adopt the same software for their open books platforms.

The illustration that accompanies the collection is the Anthropophagic Landscape I, by Tarsila do Amaral, 1929 - pencil on paper, 18.0 X 22.9 cm, belonging to the Mário de Andrade Collection of the USP Brazilian Studies Institute. The reproduction of the work was kindly permitted by the family and IEB USP.

The graphic design of the website and collection is by Paula Astiz.

Editorial coordination is by Pedro Fiori Arantes.

Technical cataloging support is provided by the Coordination of the Library Network of the Federal University of São Paulo, CRBU Unifesp, Maria Eduarda Puga and Cristiane Shirayama.

Hosting and maintenance is by Lepidus.

Collaborations are welcome. If you have unpublished material, such as videos, photos, interviews, posters, course programs, or be willing to review books and videos, contact us by email pedro.arantes@unifesp.br